Microwave Heat Bag Facts

The facts are organic corn heating bags are great for all natural pain relief.

Proudly Made in the USA

Hand-Crafted in  Tennessee

"Feel the Heat for Pain Relief"


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Soothing, weighted heat bags are great for pain relief , to relax tired muscles, relieve stress, or warm up those cold feet! 

Corn Bags have no issued warnings by the FDA or the Consumer Product Safety Committee and do not carry the risk of fire or explosion that several other types of heating pads carry such as rice, flax seed, wheat, sodium acetate, and electrical heating pads.

Large retailers often use a play of words to fool the general public for microwavable heating bags made in China that use undesirable organic fillers. These can be very vague and can easily be made to sound good even though by real definition they are very misleading.

Comparison of microwavable heating pads

Some microwave heat pads are possibly dangerous!

Wheat carries warnings!

There is a danger of fire from small wheat grains drying out and you will need a glass of water each time it is heated. It doesn't stay warm as long as corn.

The facts are Rice is too small!

Rice can scorch if reheated before it's completely cooled, and develop a slightly rancid odor over time and also scorch if it's heated too long. Being a smaller grain, it doesn't stay warm for as long as whole corn.

Flax seed can be explosive!

Flax seed is 30-40% linseed oil, which can be explosive in the presence of oxygen.  Flax bags have been known to explode.

Corn is a larger grain than rice, wheat, or flax seed, and holds heat longer.  It easily molds to the body and has a desired heavier weight than other grains.

Facts about Scented or Unscented

Most people will enjoy the mild odor of popcorn from a heated corn bag. Since some people are allergic to perfumes, or just don't like certain scents, we prefer not to add artificial scents to our corn bags.

Essential oils and dried botanicals

When used for aromatherapy, these can carry the risk of fire.  People who have used essential oils and herbs report that the scents don't last very long, and there's no way to refresh the bag without staining the cover.

Thermal Pads
Sodium Acetate is activated by squeezing a metal disk which can leak, and must be boiled between uses.

Electric Heating Pads
Cords and electrical outlets can pose fire hazards.

Hydrocolloid Hot Packs
Must be immersed in a hot water bath that ranges from 150-180 degrees, they need 6 to 8 layers of padding to prevent burns and only remain warm for 30 minutes.

Corn bags are the best all natural microwavable and organic heating pads according to safety committee facts.

Order A Corn Bag For The Best Microwavable Heating Pad 

 The facts show the best reusable all natural microwave heating pads are made of 100% breathable cotton fabrics along with all natural triple cleaned and microwaved whole kernel corn. 

"Feel The Heat For Pain Relief"

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"Feel the Heat for Pain Relief"